Standardisation, Quality of Product, Quality of Service and Investment in Our People.
These are our values at Wallace Whittle and are at the core of our operations every single day.
Each of these values are intrinsically linked and lived out by our staff at all levels, but we wanted to dive deeper on what they mean to us as a business and demonstrate how we use them to drive our vision forward.

Standardisation and consistency provide the foundation to our objective of delivering quality, but Standardisation doesn’t mean an off-the-shelf approach to what we do.
It is all about ensuring consistency across the business so that we deliver the same quality of product and quality of service no matter the size, spec, location, or type of job we’re doing.
Our behind-the-scenes processes are maintained to improve productivity time and allow us to give more attention to providing our client’s developing needs and requirements.
Quality of Product
Quality of Product means just that, we provide our clients with a quality product.
What goes into that quality is a focus on developing our people, constantly reviewing and monitoring our approaches, processes and outputs to ensure that what we’re producing is the best it can be.
Our systems never stand still, we’re never ‘done’, we continue to grow and adapt to stay ahead and be at the forefront as consultant of choice.
Quality of Service
Quality of Product can only be delivered if it’s supported by Quality of Service.
How we interact both externally with clients, designers, contractors and stakeholders in the industry, but also internally around how we work and interact as a team to deliver.
We strive to be the reliable, go-to choice for our clients and fellow design team members, and our high level of service is key to maintaining that.
Investment in Our People
We don’t provide an ‘off-the-shelf’ product, we provide our people’s knowledge, expertise, time and quality outputs.
Our investment in our staff is based in developing their skills around solid technical support, effectively and efficiently giving everyone confidence in their roles, whilst making the processes as streamlined as possible to create a better work/life balance.
Our market-leading benefits package provided to all staff, demonstrates a dedication to looking after their wellbeing, their health and their pocket!.
So, no matter which office from our 6 across the UK, no matter what team, what specialism or what level of seniority you work with - we aim to deliver the same Quality of Product and Quality of Service through our Standardised approach, providing consistency across the business.

Raymond Kelly
Quality & Standardisation Manager
We appointed Raymond Kelly as our Quality & Standardisation Manager in April 2022 and tasked him with driving consistent and exemplary quality on all our projects, across all sectors. As a respected, long-term, and highly valued member of the Wallace Whittle team, with more than 43 years of industry experience, Raymond has the backing of our Management Board and is ideally placed to continue to drive our quality to even greater levels.

"Working with our Operations Board, Technical Working Group, Marketing, BIM Team and our IMS Team, we have seen improvements made to the systems and standards already in place as part of that constant objective of continuous improvement whilst always keeping lessons learned in sight - you’re never too old to learn! Being embedded within the WW:Academy has given a forum for discussion at various levels throughout the business from young engineers to the future leaders, on the standards and how we can improve. With the Academy Manager, we have developed a fully active program which promotes and supports on-going self-development, company standards and values of quality and standardisation. A key focus for the business for 23/24 is work/life balance. As a company, we strongly feel if we invest heavily in training staff via the academy to support and up-skill staff as required and in turn if we drive quality of product and standardisation we will deliver a product that requires less input once on site, therefore it will save double handling and input during site works that could be better spend designing the next project. Being part of the structure of the business and the genuine opportunity to work with fantastic, committed people, willing to pursue quality and make things even better, breeds so much enthusiasm. I truly hope by providing a focus on quality and standardisation, that not only can we reinforce the Wallace Whittle brand, but we can also benefit individually and everyone get more personal satisfaction at the end of a day’s work.”
- Raymond Kelly, Quality & Standardisation Manager.

Contact Us
If you’d like to get in touch to speak with us about the WW Way and our focus on delivering quality, you can email [email protected] or give us a call on 0330 460 5200